Part two: Tackle operational efficiency



This is the second post in a series outlining a new approach to network densification and its effects on current planning and deployment processes.

Last time we talked about operational efficiency we gave you a structure to start thinking about how to approach optimization:

  • Strategic
  • Operational
  • Tactical

We’re going to dive a little further into what this means for different roles within a company by continuing with our football metaphor. A football team is made up of three core components that correlate with three corporate roles when considering site based projects.


A football team Corporate roles – site-based projects
Player Contributor
Head Coach Project Manager
Coach’s Box Strategist/Analyst/Coordinator


On the field – where it all happens

Like players on a football field, contributors at the ground level need to be able to move as fast and efficiently as possible.

To be able to execute amid shifting priorities, the team needs access to real-time data that enables them to make intelligent, informed decisions. This flow of information isn’t a one-way street. Workers in the field provide tactical feedback to aid in strategic and operational decision making to improve overall efficiency. The more project managers and strategists understand the day-to-day experience of in the field workers, the more efficient processes will become.

It would seem ridiculous if the head coach and coach’s box of a football team never watched their team in a game. How could they possibly be of any use to the team? How would they decide who should play in what position or what equipment they need to win? If they don’t know anything about how the team works, they can’t make it work better.

That’s why we developed Sitetracker Mobile, our solution for the players in the field, in an effort to improve operational efficiency. Sitetracker Mobile maximizes daily output through one-click task closeouts, real-time video, and photo uploads. By also offering complete project, site, and asset history information operators can execute completely untethered. There is no need to go back to the office to submit hours-old information. It’s done in real-time as soon as the work is completed.

An integral part of making successful team decisions is having one single source of valid data. Good data in means good data out.


From the sideline – developing and executing operational plans

The most effective project managers are able to combine different perspectives to create the best operational plan. Project managers, the head coach leading the team, get tactical feedback from those in the field, as well as simultaneously getting strategic input from their coordinators in the coach’s box.

Sitetracker is optimized for project managers who find themselves needing to combine input to make sound decisions. When working on high-volume, distributed projects they are unable to visit their sites as often as they would like. They are forced to rely on the information provided to them by their teams in the field to make the best decisions. By maximizing the flow of information through Sitetracker Mobile, project managers are able to make data-driven, in-game adjustments to ensure their team remains as efficient as possible.

As head coaches, project managers must be continuously updating their playbooks.They can only do this by inputting play data after every game.

Sitetracker, similarly, is a project manager’s single source of truth. By tracking relevant site information, like activities completed by time, they ensure that project data is consistently complete and actionable. This integrated approach to project management saves project managers an average 6-8 hours per week that were previously spent aggregating data from various systems into reports.

Efficiently producing accurate and reliable reporting enables project managers to do what they were hired to do: manage projects.


In the coach’s box – where strategic decisions are made

Good business strategists, like good coordinators and coaches, see the whole field at once to determine their next target. They then focus their efforts on those that will provide the maximum positive impact.

Executives need real-time insight in order to understand team wins and losses. They need to know what makes the team successful, but they also need to understand where processes can benefit from a change. Sitetracker reporting and dashboards provide business strategists the real-time analytics needed to make timely and data-driven decisions, eliminating the need to wait for weekly status meetings for information.

Decision makers can ask better questions of more accurate data:

  • Is our time to revenue recognition as quick as it could be?
  • Are we on track to complete our latest regional deployment?
    • If yes, what is differentiating the successful teams from the ones that are struggling?
    • If no, where are we falling behind?

Sitetracker provides executives with the breadth of reporting to understand the overall status at a strategic level while making the granular data easily accessible to help identify the underlying causes.


There is a striking absence of software solutions to help innovative companies effectively manage high-volume, capital-intensive, distributed projects. Sitetracker has one goal: accelerate capital improvement projects by optimizing efficiencies at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels for these companies.

Are you ready to tackle the seemingly daunting task of maximizing operational efficiency? Learn how Sitetracker can help you make your team as effective as possible. Reach out to me or visit us at to learn how Sitetracker can help you operate more efficiently.