Reports & Dashboards

Put your data to use with Sitetracker Reports & Dashboards

Reports & Dashboards

Reports & Dashboards

Put your data to use with Sitetracker Reports & Dashboards

Reports & Dashboards

Gather, analyze, and decide
in one place

Reports and dashboards make all the information you want to analyze easily accessible. Quickly create custom reports with the information you need — such as budget vs. actual spending or progress against important milestones — to identify issues, drive alignment, and allocate capital more efficiently. Then, use dashboards to get a birds’-eye view of your operations.

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Gather, analyze, and decide <br> in one place
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Make data driven decisions

Robust reporting capabilities and extensive dashboards in Sitetracker give you the power to draw important conclusions from your data. With accurate reports and dashboards, your entire organization can make data-driven decisions, saving you time and money in the long-run.

Make data driven decisions
Customize your data

Choose from a variety of report templates or customize reports to fit your needs.

Standardize reporting

With Sitetracker’s robust reporting capabilities, data can be automatically pulled from a project and put into a report, improving your productivity and saving you time.

Create dashboards

Dashboards provide a global view of operations, allowing you to view multiple key performance indicators (KPIs) or other important metrics in a single view.

Make sound financial decisions

Use reports to accurately track vendor performance and help efficiently evaluate which vendors are best for your business. Never let a milestone slip again.

Save time

Say farewell to the days of spending 6 to 8 hours a week on tedius data entry. Automated reports give you time to focus on the important things.

Driven by data

The best organizations are data driven, which means that you need to have a good foundation of quality data that can be used to inform your decisions.