Automate critical infrastructure project forecasting to adjust for the unknown

Close-up portrait of a businessman making notes at documents at the desk in the office

When managing critical infrastructure projects, projects almost never go exactly according to the project forecast or schedule. Especially when managing a high volume of complex projects, there are many points of possible friction, delay, and error.

There are certain variables out of your of control. The baseline and dependencies you set are likely to change. So, planning, project scheduling, and setting expectations are important.

Your foundation matters, but your initial forecast is going to look different from the actuals. Simply put, plans change. Unexpected change brings unknown variables, and unknowns create risk. It’s your job to mitigate that risk with automatic project forecasting and scheduling.

Set an initial project timeline

The planning done before a project is as important is as executing that plan.

Leverage project management software with automatic project forecasting and scheduling to plan more efficiently. To give you and your team the best chance to achieve deployment success, set the proper expectations.

Using the Sitetracker Platform, you can do this by selecting the appropriate project template, inserting the start date, and letting your auto-forecasting take it from there. Based on the start date and preset activity rules your project schedule will auto-populate with forecast dates. Your planning phase has just become more efficient and you are now ready to execute.   

Adjust to unexpected project changes with auto-forecasting

Once your project has started, your project timeline is bound to change. When managing high volume. complex projects, you are likely dealing with hundreds or thousands of changes at once. Don’t waste hours changing cells in a spreadsheet. Your time is more valuable than that. and better spent leading your teams and keeping your projects on track. Do not update dates in a spreadsheet when your project management software can automate that process. Based on your preset activity rules, change one date in the schedule and the remaining activities will automatically adjust. It’s a waterfall effect that frees precious hours. Use those newly freed hours to lead your team and get your project schedule back on track.

Project management software for auto-forecasting

Optimize your process with a project management software that automates and standardizes your project forecasting and scheduling. Get out of your spreadsheets and leverage a solution that makes your process more efficient.

Sitetracker powers the successful deployment of critical infrastructure for market leaders in telecommunications, utility, smart cities, and alternative energy industries. From the field to the C-suite, Sitetracker enables stakeholders to perfect how they plan, deploy, maintain, and grow their capital asset portfolios. Get a live demo of the solution that optimizes your project scheduling with automatic project forecasting.