Customer success:
our best investment

Connect X is always a whirlwind and 2019 was no exception. With our booths packed and our schedules full, there was a lot to be excited about. But in all the buzz of the conference, a more intimate moment stands out. I found myself in a discussion with a pair of old friends who I had just met. One of the two was a Sitetracker user and one, though she didn’t know it yet, would be. Our customer spoke so positively about his experience with the platform and customer success team that I just stepped back and listened. I am a Sales Development Representative and talk about the platform day in and day out, but this Sitetracker customer’s testimony was more powerful than any pitch I could ever give.

At Connect X, we intended to meet as many people as we possibly could. We showed up with 15+ Sitetracker team members ready to engage with the wireless community. At our booths and events, we saw new and familiar faces alike. While we did plenty of hand-shaking, it was our customers’ overwhelming pride in Sitetracker that stood out.

Our customers are our champions.

The Sitetracker platform fosters operational excellence for the wireless infrastructure industry, but it’s our customer success team that takes care of the people who make that excellence a reality. Our users benefit from a dedicated support staff. That is how Sitetracker is different: our customers are our focus. If our customers are happy on the platform, then we are happy. Our customer renewal rate is well above the industry average and that is a credit to the value of our platform and our outstanding customer success team. We want our users to succeed on our platform and flourish in their industry.

That is how Sitetracker is different: our customers are our focus.

Sitetracker exists to partner with an industry that has a lot of work ahead of it. The deployment of 5G and the age of smart cities is just the beginning. Sitetracker is going to continue to support the industry and our customers in it. Our time at Connect X proved that our investment in the success of our customers should, and will, continue to be our highest priority.

Learn more about how Sitetracker keeps the focus on customers.

Sitetracker Customer Success at Connect X