CX3 adopts Sitetracker and embraces change to save 40% in annual spending

About CX3

CX3 is a site acquisition and tower construction company with offices across the United States, specializing in site development, design and engineering, and site maintenance. The company works with municipalities, carriers, and site acquisition resources across the country to build new towers in prime locations. They find locations that resolve coverage gaps and capacity concerns and implement fast and flexible solutions for their clients. Over the last 25 years, CX3 has built thousands of towers for customers in every US state and takes on build-to-suit projects at any stage, size, or volume, managing them with ease and expertise.

Executive Summary

CX3 is using the Sitetracker Platform to save upwards of 40% in annual spending. Their ultimate goal is to help their clients serve their customers better. CX3 works with municipalities, carriers, and site acquisition resources across the country to build new towers in prime locations. They find locations that resolve coverage gaps and capacity concerns and implement fast and flexible solutions for their clients.

Past Challenges

Before Sitetracker, CX3 was using individual spreadsheets stored in a SharePoint folder. Chad Krahel, Senior Vice President at CX3, said, “It was a disaster. We had to clean up the data from our old spreadsheets, including leases, titles, updates, and other data points. It took nine months.”

“Prior to using the Sitetracker Platform, I ran a lot of our data on my personal computer, so a catastrophic event could have crippled our business — it would have put us back three to five months,” said Krahel. Every organization should decouple employees and data, meaning that data and information should be stored in an external solution that anyone within the company can use from anywhere. This approach mitigates risk when employees take leave or leave the company. In order to comply with this best practice, CX3 had to look outside their old systems for a new solution.

In addition to data management challenges, CX3’s workload was growing rapidly and they had more work than they could handle in spreadsheets. Prior to adopting the Sitetracker Platform, for example, CX3 missed lease deadlines, delaying time to revenue. They weren’t utilizing project management resources efficiently and had almost no insight into their project statuses.


By using the Sitetracker Platform – including its mobile application – CX3 is able to get ahead of lease renewals and take on many more projects than before. By embracing change within the organization, CX3 was able to reach goals they couldn’t even set before. “Sitetracker is helping us be more efficient with day-to-day work. Each project manager can work on 25% more projects at a time than was previously possible,” said Chad Krahel, Senior Vice President at CX3.

Sitetracker provides the reporting and visibility CX3 needs to run their business and enables them to keep all projects in one location for easy access across the entire company. For a geographically dispersed company like CX3, having a single source of truth is mission-critical.


As a result of embracing change and adopting the Sitetracker Platform, CX3 saves 40% in annual spending: “We saved a fortune right out of the gate because we didn’t have to hire someone to manage our project management system,” said Chad Krahel, “Instead of hiring new employees to do more project management work, we’re optimizing and supporting the ones we already have on board. Sitetracker saves each project manager at least an hour and a half per day, giving them back that time to focus on our customers, ensuring our businesses grow.”

Sitetracker saves CX3 valuable capital by eliminating headcount and double-work: “It provides live updates, so there’s no need to take notes or do double data entry. It’s a huge time-saver,” Krahel continues, “We are tracking our leases’ due dates and we’re not missing important milestones that we otherwise might have. Oftentimes, we’re ahead of our deadlines. Sitetracker enables us to keep track of assets so we aren’t purchasing duplicates that go to waste.”

 “We saved upwards of 40% in annual spend right out of the gate, not including operational savings. Instead of hiring new employees to do more project management work, we’re optimizing and supporting the ones we already have on board. Sitetracker saves each project manager at least an hour and a half per day, so we’re saving weekly on project management alone, in addition to immediate annual savings.”  — Chad Krahel, Senior Vice President at CX3

Krahel and his team are able to save time by eliminating meetings, too. With instant reporting capabilities, there’s no need to hold a meeting when all of the data is readily available: “Sitetracker eliminates at least 10 meetings per week, and that’s just for me,” explains Krahel. Now that CX3 is using the Sitetracker Platform, they’re able to have peace of mind: “I know where all my data is, I can access it easily, and I don’t have to meet with four different people to get one answer. We, as a company, can respond to vendor phone calls and questions in two minutes flat — in the past, it took two to three days to do that.”

Prior to adopting Sitetracker, CX3 was vulnerable to missing lease renewal dates, which is costly both in terms of time and money spent on starting from scratch: “Another way we’re saving is through tracking sites, projects, and assets in the Sitetracker Platform. We’re no longer missing renewal dates,” Krahel continues, “A site costs about $20,000 to renew, so if we miss that renewal date on the lease, we have to start the lease from scratch. This adds additional processing and time spent on paperwork — ultimately, this costs us much more than the $20,000 renewal. If you miss 15 leases, that’s a lot of unnecessary work added. Sitetracker helps us ensure that we don’t miss these renewals.”

Now, Krahel can look at all company data from anywhere: “I can see all of our data whether I’m on my couch or on-site. It’s very important for me to be able to do that. We don’t work from nine to five and we’re a small business. Having access to that information all day, from anywhere is very important to us.” Krahel continues, “I use both the desktop web app and the mobile app. I pulled it up on my phone at dinner with a partner and was able to give them up-to-date, real-time data, right there and then. I like to give a solid answer to somebody whenever I can and Sitetracker makes that possible.”

CX3 was able to save upwards of 40% in annual spending and thousands of hours per year by embracing change and adopting Sitetracker. They’re able to provide up-to-date information instantly and work collaboratively in one single source of truth, transforming the way they work and redefining what’s possible for their business.

Learn how your company can save 40% in annual spending. Schedule a live demo today.