Job Planner: a better way to schedule and dispatch.

Get the right person with the right skills and tools to the right place at the right time.

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Scheduling and dispatch made easy

Optimize resources in
real time
Say goodbye to the days of updating a schedule in multiple places. Make updates with Job Planner that roll out instantly across Sitetracker.

Visualize jobs to be done
Job Planner’s map view makes it easy to visualize which crews are closer to a Job and helps dispatchers see any
Jobs nearby.

Track skills and certifications
Create a registry of available people and their unique skill set. Match skills and certifications with Job requirements.

Hear from innovators

We used to have a Google map with all of the jobs mapped out. If something changed with the crew assigned to the job, we had to update it manually. With Job Planner, we can make the updates in Sitetracker. It makes real-time optimization possible.

Kim Martin, VP Tower Engineering Professionals
Kim Martin, VP Tower Engineering Professionals

Job planner makes it easy ability to assign and dispatch someone to a job quickly.

Mike Zigrossi, VP Operations at Intersection
Mike Zigrossi, VP Operations at Intersection
Demo the most trusted project and asset management platform today!

Match capability with availability.
Visually match field engineers who have specific skills with jobs that require those skills. Schedule jobs and dispatch resources based on their availability, territory, and skillset. Leverage data such as technician skill sets, available inventory, and maintenance schedules to provide valuable insights about service effectiveness and scheduling efficiency.
Visualize scheduling.
A variety of views including a map, calendar, and Gantt view make it easy for dispatchers to optimize resources at a high level by seeing where all resources and Jobs are at any time. A live map view of resources helps dispatchers monitor progress and accelerate break-fix resolution as issues arise.
Receive live updates from the field.
Stay updated on what is happening in the field after the crew is dispatched. Display a map showing the location of each field engineer, receive notifications as Job tasks are completed, and display photos and videos as soon as they are uploaded.

Want to optimize how your field crews operate?

Manage the work measured in days, hours, and minutes with Jobs in Sitetracker.
Sitetracker Mobile
Find out how Sitetracker Mobile can revolutionize the way your field teams capture data.
Document Management
Closeout quickly by creating customized documents directly from Sitetracker.

Download the Job Planner Datasheet