Standardize work in the field with Jobs.

Align long term projects to the short term work that gets it over the line by tracking it all in one place with Jobs.

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Get Jobs done right the first time.

Manage the end-to-end project lifecycle
Connect short term work to long term projects by generating Jobs directly from project milestones.

Streamline operations
Preconfigure Job templates that link to project activity templates to ensure repeatable project plans align to repeatable Job work.

Minimize re-work
Job aids provide information about how to complete the Job at hand, ensuring field crews have everything they need to complete jobs correctly – the first time. The integration with Forms makes it easy for field teams to check off every step.

Hear from Innovators

Jobs help our field crews capture more data points relative to the work, whether that is more pictures, better notes, or more information about the site. It helps our Project managers be more efficient because they have better information all in one place.

Mike Zigrossi, VP of Operations at Intersection
Mike Zigrossi, VP of Operations at Intersection

Our field teams really like using Jobs. When they have their Jobs on their schedule, they get really accurate directions to the precise site, even the places in the middle of nowhere, and they love being able to automatically check into jobs with geofencing.

Kim Martin, VP at Tower Engineering Professionals
Kim Martin, VP at Tower Engineering Professionals
Demo the most trusted project and asset management platform today!

Mobilize your field and construction teams.
Jobs are the pieces of short term work measured that roll into larger, long term projects. Whether maintenance is ongoing, or an incident pops up, Jobs empower field teams to plan, react quickly, and capture the most accurate data straight from the field.
Capture the work that happens in the field.
Before teams head to a site, define the required tasks, skills, and items needed to complete a particular type of Job. Viewing Jobs on Sitetracker Mobile gives field teams precise directions to any site, no matter how rural. Geo-fencing automatically checks in-field teams to the site and give the back office visibility.
Report on work in the field.
Job templates help standardize data collection in the field. Customize Job templates to include all of the tasks needed to perform specific types of work. Plus, with Job aids, field teams have all the information they need to be successful in the palm of their hand. Once Jobs are complete, the back office can generate closeout packages directly from the Job.

Want to optimize how your field crews operate?

Job Planner
Now that you know how Jobs work, make sure you dispatch the right crew to the Job with Job Planner.
Sitetracker Mobile
Find out how Sitetracker Mobile can revolutionize the way your field teams capture data.
Integrate and customize Forms to capture the data you need in the field.

Download the Sitetracker Jobs Datasheet