Pema Kongpo, Product Manager for Sitetracker, shares top tips from the latest release

It’s been a big year for Sitetracker, and with Release 36 completed, we sat down with Product Manager Pema Kongpo to hear more about the latest release and gain a glimpse of what the future holds for Sitetracker. 

Hi Pema! Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Throwing Pots!

I’m the Product Manager for the PM/Deploy product areas in Sitetracker. Some of the key areas that my team and I focus on are Trackers, Projects, Maps, Content & File Storage, Finances, as well as the Sitetracker to Sitetracker Integration. I initially started at Sitetracker a few years ago focusing primarily on product education & adoption while helping to build out all the different ways we evaluate and collect customer feedback.

When I’m not busy product managing, I spend my time in studios either painting or throwing some pots. I consider myself a creative problem solver, and I’m a huge fan of making things. At Sitetracker, I get the chance to work with a team of great people to solve challenging problems and create new or improved experiences for our customers. Win-win! 

Release 36 is the most recent release of 2019. What are some of the features from Release 36 you are excited about? 

One of the features I’m most excited about is the new Form Designer and all the improvements that come with it. Our entire product team has been working on Forms for almost a year, and it’s exciting to see all of it coming together. Form Designer is one of the final key pieces that make it possible for our customers to build and use Forms to streamline and capture data. The new Form Designer was built with our customer Admins in mind and has a lot of elements from the well known Template Designer.  

I encourage all customers to check it out and see exactly what Forms can do for them. Forms are available on both the Mobile and Web applications and allow customers to really streamline the experience of collecting data without taking away from the user experience. You can display and update data in linked records directly from a form—this avoids data duplication. Each of the items on a form includes descriptions that make it easier for end-users to enter accurate information. Forms also feature conditional rendering which allows a customer to flexibly collect information without overloading their employees or vendors with items that are irrelevant in a particular scenario.  Best of all, these can all be configured from the new Form Designer! 

Trackers are one of our most popular features. What are the latest updates to trackers? Any tips for how to maximize your tracker experience? 

Trackers aren’t just one of the most popular features, they are a cornerstone of Sitetracker and the most prominently used feature by a long shot!  Because of this, we’re always working on making it more feature-rich and improving usability along the way. If you’ve been with Sitetracker for a while, you probably know that the Trackers you see today have come a long way from a year ago alone.  

In more recent months, we’ve done a lot behind the scenes to make some of the most requested features possible to develop. One of the features we just released includes significant improvements to the grouping functionality in Trackers. Starting with Release 36, you’ll be able to apply multiple levels of groupings that actually persist in the Tracker, even across devices! This equips our Tracker savvy customers to utilize reporting capabilities as they do day-to-day work.  

So, what’s next? How about a glimpse into the future…   

Honestly, I’m really excited about two of the enhancements coming out next.  

On the mobile side of things, we’ve completely reconstructed the way you manage files by really focusing on the user experience. After the next release, uploading multiple files (yes, at the same time!) will take a fraction of the time it takes to upload a single file right now, which will save people in the field a ton of time. You’ll also be able to download and delete multiple files easily with a new files UI. 

The other enhancement, and potentially one of the most requested, highly anticipated features in the history of Sitetracker is the ability to filter by colors in a Tracker. I’m mostly excited to get this feature out to all our customers so it can stop haunting me in my dreams! Our team’s done a lot to get to this point, and it’s going to be great to finally deliver this feature to all of our customers in the next release. Stay tuned!