Financial Management

Increase profitability.
Shorten time to revenue.

Financial Management

Efficient financial management is essential to business success. Margins are shrinking. Project volume is increasing. Labor is consistently harder to find and keep. Nevertheless, business keeps pushing forward. To overcome these challenges, businesses must efficiently manage their finances as well as their projects to ensure profitability and fast time to revenue.

Streamline Project Financials

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Stay on Track

Projects and finances go
hand in hand. With Sitetracker Financial Management, align finance to projects and programs so work stays on track and bills are paid on time.

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Maximize Capital

Easily track monies from customers, regional or federal agencies, etc. to always ensure capital is allocated efficiently so opportunities are never lost and profitability can be maximized.

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Centralize Your Finances

Unify your project finances with your ERP using seamless integration to make it faster and easier to manage invoices and budgets to control margins.

Budget & Plan

Efficiently manage your projects, sites and activities with accurate tracking in real-time to ensure funds are budgeted appropriately now and for future projects.

  • Capture time spent on projects, sites, and activities
  • Associate finance items with project milestones for total visibility
  • Automate the creation of finance and expense lines with pre-configured rules

Create & Request Funds

Ensure your projects are covered with capital planning to establish funding sources for your programs and create capital requests all in a comprehensive, single view.

  • Leverage available funding opportunities and create capital requests across your projects and programs
  • Reduce systems by bringing capital funding and allocation into Sitetracker
  • Utilize dashboards and reporting to quickly identify available capital and current allocations

Manage Time & Expenses

Easily manage time spent in the field to lower expenses and ensure prompt payments.

  • Track POs, invoices, and associated expense lines with ease
  • Quickly align submissions and approvals with company policies and shorten time to revenue
  • Guarantee on-time payment distribution to improve partner relationships

Bill & Invoice

Reduce redundant data entry, quickly bill, and accurately invoice customers to shorten time to revenue.

  • Oversee payments from customers, vendors, contractors, leases, and tenants in one platform
  • Establish advanced approval processes to ensure accurate and timely payments
  • Integrate into your existing ERP or financial systems for POs, PO requests, invoices, vendor POs, and vendor payments

What Is Financial Management?

Sitetracker Financial Management aligns project finances with your projects and programs to shorten time to revenue, increase profitability, and ensure customer satisfaction. From managing vendor POs, to taking advantage of new federal or local funding, to seamlessly integrating with your existing ERP for full visibility, financial management is essential to business success.

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