It’s a photo contest…

From small cell installations to smart meter technology, air quality sensors, and solar farms, we wander past marvels of technology every day without paying them any attention. So from now until April 15th, we are asking our customers, fans, and novice and professional photographers alike to stop, capture, and share the everyday items we take for granted that make up the backbone of our cities.

$3345 to give away

Along with the launch of Sitetracker Mobile, our field-ready native mobile application, we are kicking off our first inaugural photography competition and we have 19 prizes worth over $3345 to give away. Entrants’ photos will be judged in six categories:

  • Judges’ Choice
  • Toast of Telecom
  • Utility Unicorn
  • Super Smart Cities
  • Amazing Alternative Energy
  • Super Selfies

Sitetracker Mobile

“In industries like telecommunications and utilities, where margin compression is the reality, Sitetracker Mobile will directly impact the bottom line. Legacy project and asset management tools continue to fail their users. Sitetracker is committed to innovation and keeping up with the evolving needs of our great customers”.

Some of the first-to-market features of the Sitetracker Mobile application include:

  • Upload video and photo assets either live or via Wi-Fi at a later time
  • One-click task completion
  • Easy-to-view project, site, and asset history
  • Live and editable checklists
  • Real-time uploads to ensure data quality

To learn more about how you can enable your field and remote workers with the game-changing new application, get in touch with our platform experts today.

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