Sitetracker opens the first-of-its-kind telecom infrastructure survey

  • Open to everyone in telecom infrastructure from the field to the C-suite
  • Respondents will be granted exclusive early access to results
  • Survey topics include: deployment challenges, scaling effectively, best practices, and M&A

We are proud to announce the release of our first Telecom Infrastructure Survey to gather actionable insights from the people making 5G and the connectivity of tomorrow a reality today. 

This is a survey for doers – the people that get things done – and the heroes of change that push the industry forward by challenging the status quo. They climb towers, build companies, manage projects, and much more. From the field to the C-suite, they embrace operational excellence and seek continuous improvement. They’re the ones that are and will be leading the industry through this new decade and beyond. In that spirit, Sitetracker is opening the Telecom Infrastructure Survey to gather telecom’s best insights and empower these heroes of change to drive the industry forward. 

“Although there are high-level industry surveys collecting interesting data,” said Brett Chester, VP of Marketing at Sitetracker, “it’s time that we get down to brass tacks. Today, we are launching this survey to hear from doers – the field workers, project managers, and CEOs – to surface valuable lessons for anyone in the telecom infrastructure industry.”

We calling for responses for this in-depth survey from industry experts at all levels of telecom firms, from C-Suite to technicians in the field. Telecom infrastructure professionals are encouraged to submit survey responses between January 23 and February 23, 2020. Respondents will receive exclusive access to the full survey results and actionable insights and an unbiased view of current trends, enabling them to implement best practices and lead the industry.

Questions will cover a wide range of topics, including: 

  • Risks and opportunities in a changing market
  • Scaling effectively to meet increasing demand
  • Operational best practices
  • Shifting competition
  • M&A activity
  • Which metrics matter most

“If you care about the future of telecom infrastructure, I invite you to share your experiences and opinions in this industry-first survey,” concluded Chester. 

To participate in the survey, click here.