Why company culture is the cornerstone of success at Sitetracker

Sitetracker is a leading technology company that enables companies to deploy critical infrastructure successfully and efficiently. In order to provide the best possible software and service to our customers, we take seriously our commitment to each other within the company — we are each others’ customers. This commitment has won us many awards over the years, and a handful we’re particularly proud of these past few months.

Recently, we’ve attained the following awards and recognition:

  • Our CEO, Giuseppe Incitti, was selected as one of the best CEOs by Comparably
  • Recognized as having one of the best companies cultures by Comparably
  • Named as a top company worldwide with the strongest female leaders by Mogul
  • Named one of the most influential entrepreneurs to watch in 2018 by Insights Success

Top Company for Diversity

Sitetracker values diversity in every level of the organization. Different backgrounds, opinions, and perspectives are what make our team successful. Without our diversity, we would not be able to develop the rich company culture we have today. We are honored to be chosen as one of the best companies for diversity.

Best CEO

best ceo

Sitetracker CEO, Giuseppe Incitti, leads by example and lives the values we set out to define our company culture. It all really comes down to grit. He doesn’t simply tell others to work hard, but embodies his words every day, inspiring the entire example to follow his model. We are honored to have won the award for best CEO.


Best Company Culture

Sitetracker best company culture

We are honored to be named a company with the best company culture by Comparably because it’s what Sitetracker is based on. How we work together determines the outcome of all of our endeavors, so we are pleased to have won the award for best company culture.


Top Company Worldwide with the Strongest Female Leaders

strongest female leaders

At Sitetracker, we value and promote based on merit and impact on our company culture. With this in mind, we support current and potential female leaders and foster growth within the company. We are happy to have been named a top company worldwide with the strongest female leaders.



Most Influential Entrepreneurs to Watch

influential entrepreneurs

Sitetracker has been enabling companies to successfully deploy critical infrastructure for a number of years and addresses the need for modern technology in industries that often do not have access to it, yet.  We are honored to have Tim May, Sitetracker CTO, recognized as one of the most influential entrepreneurs to watch.

At Sitetracker, we are each others’ customers, making sure that we maintain a collaborative company culture. Giuseppe Incitti, Sitetracker CEO, continually drives home the point that company culture is important to the success of the business, and the success of our customers.

Sitetracker is growing, hiring in sales, marketing, and engineering. Interested in joining our team? Visit the careers page.